Open-field test provides a unique opportunity to systematicaly assess novel environment exploration, general locomotor activity, and provide an initial screen for anxiety-related behavior in mice. Wild-type mice will typically spend more time exploring the periphery of the arena than the unprotected center area. Animals that spend significantly more time exploring the unprotected center area demonstrate anxiolytic-like behavior. Mice are allowed to freely explore the arena. Distance, activity, time spent in the center vs edge are measured using video-tracking system. Rearing behavior and grooming activity can also be scored manually. Long time recording (30 min - 1 hour) is generally used to evaluate general activity of mice.
Motor function and coordination can be evaluate with the rotarod test. Mice are challanged to walk on a rotating rod that increases in speed over a predetermined period of time (in general, for 5 min) until the animal fall. The latency to fall from the rod is determined and taken as a measure of motor function. The daily trial consists of three measures spaced by 5 minutes.
....other tests may also be implemented on demand...